WWII USMC Paramarine Camouflage Uniform Shirt

WWII USMC Paramarine camouflage shirt front

WWII USMC Paramarine camouflage shirt front

These Marine camouflage uniform shirts were specifically designed for the Marine paratroopers, usually referred to as Paramarines today, during World War Two.  There were not many Paramarines during WWII, so these uniforms are relatively hard to find today.

This USMC Paramarine camouflage uniform shirt was added to my collection about a year ago.  I have had a few of these over the years, but every previous one I have had was in rough shape with numerous repairs and damage.  Also, most of the ones I have seen over the years have also been in very poor shape and many were also cut down to make then shorter.  This is the nicest one I have had the opportunity to purchase for a reasonable amount, although I have a friend who has one in even better shape.