WWII 101st Airborne Division 326th Airborne Engineers Paratrooper Helmet Liner

101st 326th Engineer Helmet Liner right side

This paratrooper helmet liner belonged to a WW2 member of the 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion, 101st Airborne Division.  It is a standard World War Two Westinghouse airborne paratrooper liner that has had unit and rank insignia painted on it during the war.  The letter E painted on each side was used to identify members of the 326th Airborne Engineers.  The large rectangle painted on the back of the liner was used in the ETO on helmets and liners to indicate the wearer was an officer.  This liner is an original and the paint was period done.

This liner is named inside to an officer and I was able to confirm using 326th Airborne rosters, that he was a member of the unit.

This particular liner was found by a very close friend of mine at a Veteran’s garage sale about thirty years ago.  It remained buried in his basement for many years until I was able to add it to my collection.